About us
HK &Associés, a professional partnership (formed as a Société civile professionnel d’Avocats) based in Cotonou in Benin, is a law firm whose founding partners were originally admitted to different Bar associations in France.
The complex issues we advise on coupled with our know-how of a broad range of business sectors means that we have the experience to quickly identify solutions and effectively guide our clients. HK avocats is also active internationally and is the go-to firm in Benin for many major UK, US and international law firms.

Lawyer Managing Partner -
SCPA HK et Associés
PhD in Law (University of Reims, France) Graduated from the Paris Bar School of the Court of Appeals (Ecole de Formation des Barreaux de la Courd’Appel de Paris)
Professor at the University of Abomey Calavi (Benin) Expert Consultant to the United Nations
+229 21 30 60 60

DESS en Droit des Affaires et Fiscalités

Avocat - Stagiaire
Master en droit et Institution Judiciaire